Untitled(Emotions), Lithograph, Merlin T. Lee, 2020.
Lozenges; reduction woodcut on mylar on cast plaster; Merlin T. Lee, 2019.
Untitled(void), Multiblock woodcut, Merlin T. Lee, 2019.
Untitled(Intersection); tempered hard board, mason's line, nuts; Merlin T. Lee; 2017.
Untitled(Days of Our Lives); xerox transfer on paper on plaster; Merlin T. Lee; 2019.
Untitled(Rose 90), tissue paper and screw, Merlin T. Lee, 2019.
Untitled(Unmasked); digital processing, digital video, and digital c-print; Merlin T. Lee; 2020.
Untitled(Trapped in Space and Time), acrylic paint and yarn on wood, Merlin T. Lee, 2020.